Monday, April 26, 2010

Manic Monday!

I took my first class at a new exercise studio in MP, The Dailey Method. It's mostly light weight training and core work with pilates and dash of yoga, and boy did it kick my butt. I will be so sore tomorrow.

I finally got an external flash for my D70. Better test it out before Saturday.

Tonight I made a delicious meal from many ingredients with NO RECIPE! This is a big deal for me. I've never been a natural cook. But I was hungry and had little time. I also had a bunch of shrimp, some leeks and broccoli from the CSA and bell peppers from the Farmer's Market. I whisked together soy (free, gluten free) sauce, rooster sauce, peanut butter, ginger, garlic, red pepper flakes and a bit of white wine for an Asian stir fry. Yuuummm. So proud of my self! :-)


dbt said...

Nice, what flash did you get?

Kathy Schrenk said...

SB 400