Friday, March 11, 2005

James Watt quote made up?

Thanks to Peter for pointing this out. I blogged about it last month, but the link appears to be gone! Hmmm...

"I said I had made a mistake in quoting him without checking with him," Moyers told E&P today. "I should have done my homework."

How does this kind of stuff happen? When did reporters get so careless? As a reporter, I always double-checked stuff to the point of paranoia. Why do some of these people think it's ok to play fast and loose with the truth? I just don't get it.


Jack Mercer said...

We're talking Moyers here, Kathy. One of the biggest subsidized hacks around. If not for NPR he would have never rated a real job.

Jack Mercer said...

Oh, and remember this, Kathy, when ideology supercedes all, ethics don't matter--morality is relative--just so the goal is accomplished. Hitler, Mao, Madeleine O'Hare, Nelson and Winnie Mandela--perfect examples.