Saturday, November 28, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

Manic Monday!

"Under Pressure" is my favorite song of all time.

It seems there's only one other person from my high school who braved the grueling four-day drive to move to California. (Mike Marshall doesn't count.)

I may have mentioned this here before, but why do they have shuttle and rocket launches in Florida? What's wrong with Edwards? They wouldn't have anywhere near the number of weather delays...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Top 5 Fridays!

Top 5 Things You and All the Other Humans Need to Accept

5) Gail Collins is the greatest newspaper columnist of our generation

4) Heidi needs to auf herself

3) The dam will come down sooner or later, and the sooner it does, the better off we'll all be.

2) Your life is not complete without one of these, these and these.

1) My Android phone can kick your iPhone's heiny.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Water schmater

This kind of thing just makes me sick. Why can't we just charge farmers for water, for pete's sake?!?

Monday, November 09, 2009

Manic Monday

You'd think Palo Alto could use some of that money to pave their downtown streets -- especially the ones along the "bike boulevards".

My pediatrician's phone lines are down, overrun with people calling about getting the swine flu vaccine during their one-day clinic. Luckily Noah got his last week. Maybe Arthur will have one made available to him at some point.

I'm really glad I never bought a Maclaren stroller.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Top 5 Friday!

A day late because I couldn't think of anything yesterday...

Top 5 People I Most Frequently Run In To in and Around the RC

5) Steve Penna

4) Rebecca Ratcliffe

3) Becky Robbins

2) Ian Bain

1) Maggie and Mary Courtney (my sons' classmates)

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Election Today

It's time to vote here in the RC. I'm really hoping my fellow citizens make the right decisions at the polling places today.

This is an important election because two council members are terming out and someone elected today could be on the council for sixteen years!

Cherlene Wright is at the top of my endorsement list. She's a genuine person and not a political insider who has raised tons of money to waste on ads and and whatever it is you would spend $30,000 dollars on during a city council campaign in a city of 70,000.

Jeff Gee is one of the few candidates who actually spells out what he's going to do rather than spew platitudes. Here's an example of the scintilating language of one of the other candidates under the category of "top priorities": "Working together to achieve our community's vision. Fiscal responsibility. Building community partnerships." Way to go out on a limb there. I'm just saying.

Jeff Ira is the only incumbent on the ballot (due to term limits). He's the candidate of solid experience and should be a shoe-in.