Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Sunset walk around
swampy lake. Dandelion
seeds decorate webs.

Simpson Lake paddle
Windless, cloudyish, so green.
Missouri summer.

Eight-foot sunflowers
Vines collapsing their cages
Verdant vegetables

Day of crying skies.
No swim camp means cranky kids.
Wish I could send moisture west.

Missing longtime friends
Wilting in the soupy air
Good time to paddle

Not sure which I'll miss
more : the mountains or my friends
Both so beautiful

Serenity now
At sunset in the moonlight.
Love. Beauty. Baileys.

Morning on the trail
Afternoon paddleboarding;
A perfect schedule

Beauty in lake form
Boulders, trees, peaks and storm clouds
Clear waves rippling

Spotting a rainbow
From a majestic vista
Making memories

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